COVID-19 in Mandritsara

In the past couple of weeks we have had the first confirmed cases of COVID-19 here in Mandritsara and also the first COVID-related death has been reported.  Although it is more than 4 months since coronavirus arrived in Madagascar and we first felt the impact of border closures and other restrictions, it still seems as though we are very much at the beginning of this pandemic locally.  We are thankful to God that he has given us time to prepare and we trust his faithfulness for what is to come. 

In light of the news of confirmed cases locally, here are some ways you can pray for us:

1. For the local authorities

The local health authorities carry the responsibility for managing the pandemic in this district.  Please pray that they would have access to the resources they need and that they would make wise decisions.

2. For the hospital leadership

Please pray that God would give them wisdom as they consider the implications of the pandemic on the hospital.  As well as impacting how we care for patients, there are significant consequences for staffing (those who are “vulnerable” are no longer able to work at the hospital) and finances (the hospital has seen a drop in income).

3. For the staff at the hospital

Please pray for protection for all our staff and that God would give courage and strength to those who are fearful.  Please pray that we would continue to care for our patients with compassion despite the additional stresses resulting from the pandemic.

4. For our local brothers and sisters

The two Bible Baptist churches here in Mandritsara are not gathering together at this time.  Please pray that local believers would find hope and encouragement from services broadcast on the radio and other media.  Please pray for Pastor Julien and Pastor David as they seek to shepherd their flocks during this difficult time.

5. For patients and their families

Please pray that those affected by COVID-19 would have access to the treatment they need and would recover.  Please pray too that those patients who need treatment for other conditions would not stay away through fear.  And that through this time, there would be many who hear and receive the hope of the gospel.

Join us for our next Mandritsara Prayer Day

Join us on Saturday 13th April from 2:00pm to 5:00pm either in person at Trinity Road Chapel in Tooting or online via Zoom. There will also be lunch available for those in person from 1:00pm.

Click here to find out more